We had a essay competition in our company on Independence day's occasion. I had the least interest to go but went because of sowmya, my friend. Over there the essay requirements were as below:
Topic: freedom or independence
Criteria: It shd not be more than 61 words and not less than 50 words..
Time duration : 20 mins.
Oops, the 61 words condition was difficult to handle. I thought I will write it like a poem and it was something like this:
Out of mom's womb!!
Am happy, am Free!
But they aren't!!!
I am a GIRL!!!!
They try to kill , Mom cries,
Protests and runs...
It is dark,
mom walks with me.
They push, we fall.
Comes savior, but killed!!
Police laugh,
The Giants follow !!!
We run,
For the independence,
The tears fall from sky asking,
'Where is FREEDOM?"
still running.................
Do we have the freedom????
Guess what I got the first prize but the question still lingers!!!!!!!!
7 years ago
Good One Ranjitha... Did not compltely understand the meaning... Bur the topic of being a girl still not free gets people emotional. I guess u need to write something that people don't understand to win a prize.
-Shashi Ranjan
Thanks shashi for the comments..But I feel ur guess is not right as it would be foolishness to give away a prize just because u did not unserstand something. This would be something like interviewer passing an interviewer just because interviewee spoke in greek and latin..:)
like the poem but its surprising to see such an opinion from an independent girl like you.
:) sad but true
I cant put all of FREEDOM in short essay...i can only put example.
I feel the issue of GIRL is just an example... if i wud be the reviewer of this essay i wud know that FREEDOM is abt not involving ourselves in any limits or conditions!
We loose freedom... bcoz we think abt girls birth, or caste n creed, or money n success important over life n joy.
Replace each of these barriers in the poem Ranjitha wrote... and they will fit without problems..
Ex. MONEY as barrier to FREEDOM
Out of mom's womb!!
Am happy, am Free!
But they aren't!!!
Why, coz all ppl say,
U need money to be happy!!!!
They put me in probs, heart cries,
I protest..I run..
It is dark.. I am alone
Only Heart breeds me here.
I am pushed, neglected, I fall
Comes my will, my savior, but is killed!!
Rich ppl laugh,
The giants (responsibilities) enslave me!!!
My passions run,
For the independence,
I remain unhappy, tears only in heart,
Where is FREEDOM?"
still running.......no money!
Tell u wat Ranju... u deserved the first prize...ur example was PERFECT..!! I stand for it... it was just amazing!
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